2011 Results

NO_GOATS web page copyI didn’t race much this year since we couldn’t keep racing at Peoria Speedway and the closest place was 130 miles away at Shimek Speedway near Ft. Madison, Iowa. I did end up 5th in points there after only racing less than half the season. I would have finished fourth if I went to the last race, but I didn’t go.  I was pretty pleased with my finish position anyway. I’ll probably race there again in 2012 and should have better results. I have a new engine builder who found me over 14 percent more horsepower. That should make a noticeable difference. New Hoosier tires with the correct compound will also make a big difference.

September, 10 – Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 5th – Finished 5th
Feature- 6 karts – Started 5th – Finished 3rd

In the second heat I was running third but got hung up on the outside of the track on the last lap.NGR logo

August, 27 – Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Feature- 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

Got some new (to me) used tires from a friend to try. They are harder that what I had been running. They worked a lot better. Dropped about a half second off my lap times. Too late in the year to buy new tires, but I’ll get a harder tire next spring.

August, 20 – Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 3 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

Very consistent again. Made more adjustments to free the kart up.

August, 13 – Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Heat 3 – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd

Have to admit, I was very consistent. Still pushing. Discovered the seat had come loose.

August, 6 – Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 5th
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 4th
Heat 3 – 5 karts – Started 5th – Finished 4th

Had a bad push all night.

July, 3 – Peoria Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 6th – Finished 5th
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 1st – Finished 4th
Feature- 6 karts – Started 5th – Finished 2nd

The heat races were not good to me. I was doing so poorly, I considered not even running the feature. It was one of those days. Things changed in the feature. I got a good start and ran third most of the race. Near the end, the second place kart was several lengths ahead of me when he had a problem in the corner. I immediately gained on him. He got wide again in the next corner and I ducked under him into second place. I was happy to finish the day and extremely happy to end up with second. Not sure when the next race will be but I’ll have new Hoosier tires on my kart.

June, 23 – Peoria Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Feature- 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

In the first heat I lead all but the last lap. I ran out of driving ability going into Turn 4 and went from 1st to 3rd. Both heats and the feature were fun. That Darn Luke Starling and I had some good side by side racing in the second heat. But I had nothing for him in the feature. I moved into second place on the fifth lap and held off a guy who likes to bang and slam. I’m second in points after three races; two out of first and two ahead of third.

May, 22 – Peoria Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Feature- 6 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd

Had a third place kart all day. Just a tick off from the leaders. I was in third near the last couple laps of the feature. I passed second place as he went wide in Turn 4. Coming out of Turn 2 on the last lap, the guy I just passed turned me sideways but the guy behind him straightened me back out. I kept going and only lost the one spot. New tires would probably help. Racing on the big track is a blast.

May, 8 – Peoria Speedway

Heat 1 – 9 karts – Started 5th – Finished 5th
Heat 2 – 9 karts – Started 5th – Finished 5th
Feature- 9 karts – Started 5th – Finished 4th

Not a bad day of racing. First time at Peoria Speedway. It was a blast racing on a big track – very fast! I got bounced around in the first heat after getting a good start and worked my way back to 5th. Second heat wasn’t as bad but I didn’t finish any better. The feature was fun. The first three karts were a tad faster than me. I passed the 4th place kart. Then the guy who finished behind me passed me and I passed him back. We had a good race even if the top three were a couple kart lengths in front of us. I made some setup changes for the next race. Hope it works.