2013 Results

Running less than half the races, I ended the year 3rd in points. I missed the last month because of a seized motor. The driver in second was not many points ahead of me. I believe I could have won the championship if I had raced weekly. I had three feature wins and three second place finisNO_GOATS web page copyhes out of six races.

My goal this summer was to run every other week so my wife and I could do some fun things on the weekends. In previous years, racing consumed every weekend. While I did miss the racing and seeing my friends at the track, the time off was fun, too.

Probably the highlight of the year was getting a new KartLift electric kart stand. It is so cool. Push a button and the kart raises and lowers without any effort. That should have been an addition to the race setup years ago.

Next year will be similar to this year as far as the schedule goes. I’ll still be racing at Shimek Speedway near Farmington, IA and will probably race every other week. Can’t wait for the new season to start!

August 24, Shimek Speedway

The race results this week are supplied by my funny friend Matt.

Hot laps: 4 karts – BOOM  The motor blew up at the starting line. THE NIGHT WAS OVER … BEER TIME

I have one race left this year, depending on how bad my motor is. Or the year may be over. It’s possible I might still end up second it points. Or not. Might be third. Good thing it’s a hobby and I’m not doing it for a living.

August 17, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st

In heat 1, I started 2nd and finished 2nd. Same in heat 2. In the feature I started 2nd (again) and ran that way for a few laps right on the leader’s bumper. He was going a little wide on the corners, so I finally set him up and got by in turn 4. Thanks to a friend and his dad for the setup advice. WNGR logohat a difference! I was flying in the feature. I’m second in points even though I’m only racing every other week.

For a person who has to be their own crew chief/driver, getting the kart on and off the stand could not be easier than using the electric WinchLift LT by KartLift. My great wife told me to buy one when I told her I’d have to quit racing when I couldn’t get the kart on the stand anymore. Taking it to the grid, I pushed the button and smiled as the kart lowered to the ground with no effort on my part. Coming off the track was even easier. Every time I pulled off the track, the guy pitting next to me came rushing up pushing my Kartlift. He proceeded to push the button to lift it up. Then he pushed it to my pit area. It’s only slightly disappointing, but all night I never did get to try picking it up. So, it works even better that I had hoped for. Not only is it effortless to lower, it’s way less effortless to raise it and get it back to my pit than my older KartLift. I’m one happy kart racer.

July 27, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

It was a very consistent night of racing at Shimek Speedway in Iowa. I started second and finished second in both heats and the feature. All three of us had handling problems. I fought a push all night. But my most exciting time was in the feature. I got a bad start and dropped to third. We were all nose to tail. For some reason I still don’t understand, coming off turn 2 my kart decided to go to the right, which it is never supposed to do. I went over the edge of the track and down the hill in the grass…spinning backwards in the process. I managed to keep it running, so I tried to head up the hill toward the track. Since it was so cool out, the grass was too wet to get traction. All I could do was wait for someone to help me. Unfortunately, my friend Ron was working the corner and the only one to show up. He pushed and shoved then told me to get out and help. I said, “No, it will die!” If your motor dies, you are done racing. I wasn’t done, just stuck. After a bunch more pushing Ron said, “I’m the one who is going to die!” But he finally got me up to the track surface. I restarted from the back but finally got up to second where I finished. So fitting to the evening, I was also presented with my second place in points championship trophy from last year. Even though I’m only running every other week this year, I’m still second in points, only 107 points behind first.

July 13, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2rd
Heat 2 – 2 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st
Feature – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2nd

I finished second in the first heat, won the second heat and finished second in the feature. That doesn’t sound too bad, but there were only two of us racing. I fought a very bad push all night. There was a light turnout of karts in all the classes. Too many other things going on. The good news is I’m second in points, only 36 points out of first. And that’s just racing every other week. No, I know what you are thinking, there are more than two of us in the points standings. There are nine. Next race for me is July 27.

June 30, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st

Won both heats and the Animal feature at Shimek Speedway in Iowa yesterday. I’m always beat the day after the races and blamed it on the beer I drink while socializing afterwards. Didn’t drink anything yesterday and I’m still beat. So it wasn’t the beer after all. That’s a relief. Now I won’t have to hold back because I’m going to be tired anyway.

June 15, Shimek Speedway

Rained out. Next race for me is June 29. I’m only racing every other week this year.

June 2, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 4 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st

We only had four Animals racing today, but we were all very competitive. I started the first heat in 4th and had a hard time getting to the low line. The leaders weren’t gaining but I couldn’t catch them and ended 3rd. Second heat I started on the pole and won. For the feature I started on the outside of the first row. We ran side by side for a lap or so, then I dropped in behind the leader. After a few laps I got below him going into turn 3 and passed him. I led the rest of the way. Fun night of racing!

May 18, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 4th – Finished 4th
Feature – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

The Animal class is a great group of guys. On the starting grid, everyone shakes hands. However, it’s very competitive on the track with no hesitation to do some rubbing, bumping and pushing. But as soon as we pull off after the race, everyone is smiling and shaking hands. What a pleasure to race with those guys. One of the new racers in our class commented on how friendly and helpful the others were. We are a lucky group. Other classes sometimes aren’t that friendly. In the feature, I started 3rd but dropped to 4th as the race progressed. My kart felt great but I was slightly slower than the leaders. I’m thinking it’s my driving style and not the kart. I need to change my line slightly. Anyway, I outlasted a couple of the racers, which is almost as good as being faster than them. The leader broke something and pulled off. Soon after, the guy in 2nd spun out and went to the back. That left me in 2nd and I was happy with that. I’m off next week then plan on racing again on June 1st.