I turned left and this happened

2017 Results

September 9, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

It was an uneventful evening. And that was nice. Nothing broken. I had a push during hot laps. But after a small adjustment it was much better for the rest of the races. Even only racing three times this year, I finished second in points.

August 19, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 7 karts – Started 2nd – Didn’t finish
Heat 2 – 7 karts – Started 6rd – Didn’t finish
Feature – 7 karts – Started 7th – Finished 3rd

We had seven Animals for the biggest class of the night. My summer of multiple broken stuff continued on. My GoPro camera mount broke right off the bat. I started the first heat in second place. Got hit in the rear, causing the chain to pop off. Same thing happened in my last feature race. Got it back on and the throttle stuck open. A rock was stuck in the throttle spring, of all things. DNF…less than a lap.

Second heat I started sixth. Got hit in the rear and the chain popped off. DNF..less than a lap. There is a great picture of me leaning back in my seat naming off some ancestors then rolling out of my kart after the chain came off…again. I looked kind of, well, dead. I haven’t used a chain guard for five or six years. Borrowed one for the feature with the hopes of running more than one lap.

Started the feature last. By the end of the first lap, I was in first. I led several laps then my throttle started sticking again. I’d let up going into the corners but the throttle didn’t. So I had to slow down and ended up third. Ta-da! I’ll take it. Only one more race for me this year.

June 10, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started  – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started  – Finished 1st
Feature – 5 karts – Started 1st – Didn’t finish

This was the first race this year. It was good seeing all my friends again. I won both heats. But my chain came off one lap into the feature. Congratulations to Ron Taylor for winning the feature. We had a good laugh after the second heat. Ron was leading, saw the checkered flag and slowed down. He didn’t know I was right behind him. I beat him to the line by about two inches. Kart racing is fun but the friends you make at the races is the best part of it.

The race track had a few bumps that, with my amazing and skillful driving ability, I kept repeatedly hitting. It would bounce me over to the right and made it difficult to sit normally. I finally ended up leaning on something. I wasn’t really aware of what I was leaning on but was glad it was there.

After the race I noticed a discoloration on the exhaust pipe. Then I looked at my new breathable fire suit, which I just got to replace my 12 year-old extra heavy race suit that was way too hot. The upper shoulder had a burn mark where I was leaning on the exhaust pipe most of the race. However, my arm was not burned at all. The fire suit did it’s job! I didn’t even feel the heat. My old suit was not fire proof, just thick. It would have burned along with my arm.

2016 Results

September 17, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st
Feature – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

In the first heat, someone ran up on my left rear tire and tried to drive on over my seat. Luckily, my shoulder was in the way and stopped him. It broke my seat and left body panel. More work for the off season. My kart developed a push in the second heat and carried it over to the feature. After leading a few laps, my friend Ron passed me in the feature to take over first. Near the end of the race, Ron went high coming out of turn four. That left me room to pass him and win the race and season championship.

September 11, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st
Feature – 4 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st

Starting on the outside is never good for me. In the first heat, I started second, went to the back and worked my way back into second. Ron was too far in front for me to challenge him. In the second heat, I started on the inside in third. Both karts in the front went wide and I got by and lead the rest of the way. I started the feature in second. Ron and I battled back and forth for a few laps until I finally got in front and stayed there for the win.

With only one race left, I’m second in points, even after missing two races. In order to win the championship I have to win next week and the kart in first now has to finish third or worse. Pressure…

September 3, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 5th – Finished 1st
Feature – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 3rd

It was almost a good night of racing. I won both heats, one starting from the front and one from the back. However, the feature didn’t turn out as I planned it. I led a couple laps. Then my friend Ron (his words were “I didn’t help you”) and I had some contact. I spun out and went to the back. I ended up third. Two more races left in the season.

August 6, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 4th
Feature – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 1st

I was so excited to go to the races yesterday that I left without my cash and credit cards. When I texted my wife about what I had done, she replied, “Can you get a job?”

We had four karts for the Animal Class. Heat 1 I finished 2nd. Heat 2 I was 4th after spinning so many times. The feature was much better for me.

I had a similar situation as in Heat 2 after the races by Ron Taylor’s trailer. I think both problems were stagger related. Another thing that happened at the races Sunday…There was this 3 year-old kid, we won’t mention any names, but this kid and I went around to the private side of a kart trailer after the races to relieve ourselves. So this kid pees a stream about 15-20 feet. That is not an exaggeration. I looked at him and said, “Holy cow!” He looked at me and said, “You’re making a puddle.”

July 9, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 1stt – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

Brian Huff seemed to have it going a little better than me, so I was counting on a 2nd in the feature.

On the first lap on Turn 2, I got a little bump, turned abruptly sideways and went airborne off the track. That was pretty thrilling. On the restart I fell in line behind Brian. After several laps he went wide and I passed him. My kart felt good, so I thought I had it made for a feature win. On the last corner of the last lap, there was a spinner right in front of me. On the restart, Brian somehow went flying by me. Even though I was bumping and pushing him to the end, he ended with the win.

So I still ended up 2nd. At first I was resigned to it. Then I had the win dangled in front of me. Ending 2nd where I thought I would be turned out to be kind of disappointing. Still it was a fun night racing. The Animal Class is about the best people I’ve raced with. We’re going to do it again next week.

July 2, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Feature – 6 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

2015 Results

September 19, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd

For my last race of the year, it could have been worsebut it wasn’t. I changed gearing at the beginning of the evening. It was supposed to help on the starts but it worked the opposite. I was a little slow off the line, plus I started on the outside on every start. When the line is inside, those on the outside usually get punted to the rear. That’s a concise explanation of what happened in both heats and the feature. I’ll start next year on the gearing from last week.

Brian Huff bounced off the hay bales twice in the second heat which made dodging him part of the fun. Ron Taylor bounced off the hay in the feature and spun right in front of me. I swerved, clipped him with the rear of my kart and took a wild ride across the infield.

The feature was the best of the night. Four of us were nose to tail, literally bumping and pushing each other around the track for the whole race. One bobble by anyone would have resulted in a nasty ending for all of us. It’s the closest racing I’ve been involved in. Brian won the feature and the track championship. Ronnie Taylor was second and second in points with me third and Ron fourth and third in points.

I ended the year fourth in points after only running six races. It was a fun year racing in the Animal class, a really good group of guys. Next year I plan to race about the same amount.

September 12, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st
Feature – 6 karts – Started 1st – DNF (6th)

I was having a fantastic night until my wheel fell off. More about that later. Because of the draw before the races, I started third in both heats. I finished first in both heats and started the feature on the pole. My kart was so fast all night. It was really sticking in the corners and pulling down the straights. It has been so good this summer, I haven’t made a single adjustment, except for a gear change, since the middle of July.

The feature was supposed to be 15 laps. I held the lead for 46 laps, which was filled with umpteen cautions. It was quite eventful. We would run one lap then five or more caution laps. My friend Ron Tayloyr was the cause of a couple of them. He took out some brand new hay bales, which wasn’t surprising. He has a tendency to hit them every week. That’s why they were new this week. Then he flew off the other side of the track, down a hill and hit a tree but managed to keep going. Unbelievably, he was the eventual winner.

As I was leading on one of our rare green flag laps nearing of what I hoped to be was the end of the race, Ronnie Taylor, Ron’s son, was behind me. The next part was a blur to me, but Ronnie said the nose of my kart clipped one of the disks on the edge of the track. It spun me sideways and Ronnie hit me full throttle in the side. There is so much adrenaline flowing, I only noticed a bump, but my kart wouldn’t roll. I thought it was stuck on the disk so I motioned for the corner worker to give me a push. It was then that several people ran up and asked if I was okay. I said, “Of course. I just need a push.” I had no idea he hit me that hard and bent the side of my kart in towards the frame. Then they pointed to my wheel, which I mentioned earlier. It was laying on the ground next to me. There were only three laps left and I spent them in the pits. It’s a fine time to leave me, loose wheel.

August 22, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 2th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 5th – Finished 1st
Feature –6 karts – Started 1st – Finished 4th

After a couple minor gear changes, my kart was a rocket! It came out of the corners fast and pulled down the straights. It went where I wanted it to go and long as I drove within my limits…which ended up being my downfall. Well, that and karma.

With six karts in the Animal Class, in the first heat I started in second on the outside. That usually doesn’t work well for me and it didn’t again. I was rudely shoved, pushed and bumped to the back by the third corner of the first lap. When sanity settled in, I worked my way back to second. First place wasn’t pulling away, but I couldn’t catch him by the time the race ended.

In the second heat I started fifth. What a wild start! We were three wide in the middle of turn one. I don’t know how I got there, but I was on the inside and was shortly in the lead. I worried the whole race that the second place kart was right behind me. However, I won that one by a straightaway.

I started on the pole in the feature. I spent the first part of the race worrying about that second place kart again. After leading eight laps, I exceeded my driving ability and drove into turn three too hard and went wide into turn four. That gave the second kart an opening which he took. He lead the next lap then coming out of turn four, for some reason he turned his head to see where I was. That gave me the opportunity to dive under him and retake the lead. Going into turn four on lap 10, he got under me rather forcefully. The result was me getting spun. This is where karma stepped in. I made a similar move on Ron Taylor a few weeks ago. Unfortunately for me, the flagman didn’t see the hit that made me spin, nor did the corner worker. If they had, I wouldn’t have been sent to the rear of the pack, but I was. With only five laps left, I didn’t have enough time to work my way forward and finished fourth.

Having one of the fastest karts every week is a great feeling. It’s so darn fast and handling so well, I haven’t made any changes for about a month. Thanks to Jim Frantz, my engine builder at Faster Motors, and Dustin Westercamp, my adviser at the track, my setup job on the kart is easy. Now if I could only eliminate the irregular driving…

August 8, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 7 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Feature –6 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

My kart was pretty darn fast all night. The only thing I adjusted was air pressure because I was afraid to mess with something so good. In fact, I haven’t changed a thing since the last feature. Starting all the races on the outside is never good. I ended up at the rear of the pack most of the time just trying to get to the inside line. But once I got there, passing wasn’t a problem. Catching the kart in first wasn’t too bad. But passing the kart in first was a problem I couldn’t solve. Given a few more laps in each race, I might have a different result to report. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

I’m fourth in points, just 70 behind third, even with just three races, and the other guys have six races in. I don’t see moving up any spots since I’m going to miss several more races. It’s a lot easier not racing for points but it’s fun to keep track.

It was a good night of racing with all the competition. As always, getting together with the other racers after it’s all done is the best part of the night. We spend a lot of time kidding and laughing at each other. The racing part is a bonus that gives us something to joke about. The Animal class at Shimek is the best group of guys I’ve ever raced with.

July 18, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 4th
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 4 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st

Hot laps and Heat 1 were terrible. My kart didn’t push and it wasn’t loose, it just wouldn’t turn going through the corners. A couple friends gave me some chassis tuning advice after Heat 1. It made all the difference. A little tuning after Heat 2 was all I needed.

It was my least favorite win in the 10 years I’ve been racing. In the feature, Ron Taylor and I went into Turn 3 side by side and I drifted up like I had all night coming out of Turn 4. Unfortunately, that put my friend Ron into the hay bales. It’s a terrible way to win. The odd thing, I didn’t even know it was the last lap. I was so focused on catching Ron, who led the whole race, I wasn’t even watching the flagman. There was no joy in winning that night.

May 31, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 1 kart – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

Here are the race results from the Animal Class at Shimek Speedway Sunday: I won both heats and the feature!. Ta-Da!
Not to minimize my efforts, but I was the only kart in the first heat. In Heat 2, I had lots of competition from one other kart. But with my massively fast Animal engine, I won handily.
For the feature the other kart switched drivers in an effort to thwart my domination. I started on the pole and led a whole lap when the other kart darted to the inside and got under me. We ran nose to tail (my nose to his tail) for many laps. I was thinking of passing him, which was just something to occupy my time while running right behind him. Suddenly, with two laps to go, he slowed and I bumped him out of the way. I thought, “That will teach him to pass me.” I went on the get the checkered flag while he pondered why he ran out of fuel.
Now that the first race of the year is over, I’m first in points. What a dominating performance. I am so proud.

2014 Results

 The 2014 racing year starts with a rebuilt motor and clutch and a good attitude.

September 20, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 3rd
Feature – 4 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

Last race of the year and all I had to do to the win the championship was run one lap of the feature. My setup again caused a struggle in both heats. I wanted to be cautious, but I didn’t have a choice. My kart was pushing badly. I made some adjustments in Heat 2 that were a little better so I made more for the feature. I had the fastest kart but couldn’t get by the kart ahead of me. I passed him once but a caution put him back in the lead. After that there wasn’t enough time to make another pass. It was a fun year.

This was the best year I’ve ever had racing. Also the hardest and most grueling. And the most fun. I’m glad it’s over but I’ll really miss seeing the people every week. My Faster Motors Animal engine was constantly the fastest on the track. It would pull everyone down the straights. What a pleasure having that much power. The only problems I had were self-induced; either my driving ability/setup skills or worn out tires I tried to get more out of than they were capable of producing. Thanks to my great wife for putting up with my annoying hobby. But no matter what anyone says, kart racing is the best way to turn money into noise.

September 6, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2nd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st

I messed up in both heats again this week. After making a bunch of adjustments to get rid of a bad push, I won the feature in spite of myself. Only two races left this year, but I’m missing the next one. It’s our 23rd anniversary. I asked my wife if she wanted to go to the races to celebrate. My sweetie said sure, but it would be the last anniversary I would celebrate. I’m not sure where we’re going, but I’m guessing we aren’t going racing. I’m still first in points. My buddy Ronnie Taylor had motor problems that spoiled his night. The points will be very close at the last race. Good luck Ronnie!

15- Jon Lehman- 1871
7- Ronnie Taylor- 1539
526- Danny Kirby- 991

August 31, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 4th
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3nd – Finished 3rd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

Again, I struggled through hot laps and both heats. In hot laps I spun in Turn 4 and backed into the hay bales. In Heat 1 the kart was very squirmy and hard to drive. I ended up hitting the hay bales sideways in Turn 4. When I hit, the motor died and I coasted up to the flag stand and stopped. As I sat there, I looked up at Ron Taylor, the starter. He leaned over and looked down at me and said, “You know, we can talk later, if you want.” The second heat was similar except for the hay bales and comic remarks. It makes for a long day when you struggle with handling. For the feature, I made a couple changes and put new tires on the kart. What a difference! Unfortunately, I spent too much time trying to get around the kart in second. The pole sitting kart took off. By the time I was in second, the first place kart was a straight ahead. I made up about half of that but ran out of time. It would have been a fun race for first if I was closer. I’m still first in points with three races left. I’m going to miss one of those for our anniversary. The guy in second agreed to take that week off too, which is a pretty cool thing to do. Thanks Ronnie Taylor!

15- Jon Lehman- 1668
7- Ronnie Taylor- 1381
526- Danny Kirby- 813
34- Ben Smith- 526
199- Dustin Westercamp- 409

August 24, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st

Both heats were nothing to brag about. I only hit one guy in the first heat and one guy in the second heat, but I hit him twice. The feature went much better. I’m still first in points with a 267 point lead and only four races left.

August 2, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 4th
Feature – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd

After a good start it turned into a frustrating evening of racing. The first heat was a blast. Going from fourth to second in a quarter lap was fun. Then the first place kart and I were nose to tail the rest of the way. I almost passed him a couple times but two cautions stopped the momentum.

The second heat is where it turned sour. I was leading on the first lap coming out of Turn 4 when my kart swerved off to the right. I made one more lap but thought I had a flat so I pulled off. I got it into the pits, put the kart stand and noticed the left front wheel at a strange angle. As soon as I touched it, the wheel fell on the ground. Good timing but bad luck. A friend had a spare spindle so I worked like an over-stimulated Usain Bolt to get it changed in time for the feature. In my haste (some smart ass said that makes waste) I dropped all of my alignment washers into one pile instead of keeping the top and bottom separate. No, I didn’t have it written down about what went where. I have everything else written down but that. Next time. But I finally got it together just as everyone was in their karts on the grid. No time to check the air pressure or anything. Usually air is a critical adjustment for the feature but I was just glad to have made the start.

Starting last and moving into second wasn’t bad. I stayed there for a few laps but the not-checked air pressure made the handling difficult. I was passed and stayed in third for the rest of the feature. Because I was able to run the feature I’m still first in points. But the guy in second is gaining.

15- Jon Lehman- 1286
7- Ronnie Taylor- 1064
526- Danny Kirby- 669
34- Ben Smith- 348
199- Jeremy Marshall 206
199- Dustin Westercamp- 205
199- Ron Taylor- 179
22- Maurice Huff- 158
90- Mike Smith-146
22- Bryan Huff- 144
43- Derrick Stewart- 136
45 Nathan Shaffer-126

July 19, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Feature – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

I finished second in the first heat and third in the second heat. I started the feature in third. I don’t know how but I finished second Saturday with six karts in the Animal class. I started with a bad push then it got really loose as the night went on. I probably went the wrong way when adjusting the air pressure for the feature. The kart in third place was bumping me the whole way, so I knew he was right there. It must have been tense because I was still tired the next day.

Point standings at Shimek Speedway for the Animal class
15- Jon Lehman- 1127
7- Ronnie Taylor- 699
526- Danny Kirby- 490
34- Ben Smith- 348
199- Jeremy Marshall 206
199- Dustin Westercamp- 205
199- Ron Taylor- 179
22- Maurice Huff- 158
90- Mike Smith-146
43- Derrick Stewart- 136
45 Nathan Shaffer-126

July 6, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 3rd

Well, that didn’t work. Note to self: When your tires look like they may be too worn out to run, don’t run them. I thought I could get one more week out of them. NO, I couldn’t. The worn tires resulted in a poor handling kart. The first heat was wild. One kart dropped out and I hit the other one while passing him. No damage but an apology was due. Then instead of waving the checked flag when I won, the flagman waved the move over flag at me. He grabbed the wrong flag but it confused the heck out of me.

In the second heat I started in the back and stayed there. Luckily, one kart dropped out so I finished second with a bad push.

I started on the pole for the feature and actually led for a couple laps before the kart started pushing again. Both of the other guys got around me. Then an opening appeared, so I ducked inside the second place kart on turn three. Sorry to say it wasn’t a clean pass and we both spun out. After the restart my tires were completely done and so was I.

I’m still first in points but I lost some ground. Next race is in two weeks. One of my goals is to not hit all the karts on the track. Oh yeah, I have new tires, too.

June 21, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

There weren’t as many karts as I was hoping for but it was still fun. I posted a bumper cam video of one of the heat races on my Facebook page. With the feature win, I padded my points lead.

June 14, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 5th – Finished 2nd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

My kart was very fast again. New tires helped a lot with the handling. Lap times were in the 10.8 second range for both heats and the feature, which is pretty quick. There was some close racing, too. Pretty soon I’m going to stop helping the guy who is running right behind me most of the time. It’s only his second year, so he is still learning, but he is learning quickly. I’ve been giving him some setup and gearing information to make him more competitive. Better competitors make the racing more fun…up to a point.

Starting the first heat on the pole was pretty easy. The second heat and starting in the back was a lot harder. It took a while to get into second. But there wasn’t enough time to pass for first. We did have some bumping and banging while going flat out but a caution by someone else put an end to that. I started on the pole in the feature and lead the whole way. Unfortunately, my new camera mount was not sturdy enough. There was too much vibration to get a good video. After the win, I’m first in points again.

May 24, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

I had an exceptionally fast kart and turned some of the fastest times I’ve ever run at Shimek Speedway. Unfortunately, there was one kart faster. The first heat was the most exciting since I started next to last, got pushed outside to the back, then raced back to second, picking them off one at a time. There is a video of the race on my Facebook page. I’m back to being second in points, about 100 out of first. Not bad for missing a week.

May 3, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

The KartLift Special was handling great! I led all the laps in both heats and the feature. My Faster Motors Animal had lots of power, and my John Ivers Jr. clutch worked flawlessly. The start of the first heat was the most fun since I started in the back. By the first turn I was in first. That scene played out about three times because of restarts. Love the rubbing!

Eventually, I’ll have some videos of my races, but first the GoPro camera needs to be figured out. I forgot to turn it off after the second heat, so there were about 30 minutes of pit time recorded, which will amuse no one at all. I told my wife that since I installed the camera I wouldn’t be able to lie to her about what I’ve been doing while I was gone.

April 26, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 2 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – Rained out

For being the first race of the year, things went as expected…meaning not as well as they should. I was leading the first heat when my chain broke a couple laps from the end. It didn’t actually break, but it somehow came off and left me with no power. After installing a new chain for the second heat, I lead all the laps. It started raining part way through that race, which forced the track to cancel the rest of the show.

Having the fastest kart did me no good. With no feature, they paid out on the first heat because only two classes ran the second heat. So with nothing left to do because of the rain, I was forced to drink beer with my friends. Next week should be more fun because more karts are expected in my class.

Having my new electric KartLift made it less tiring for this old guy. It was nice not having to struggle getting the kart lifted after the race. What was really neat was both of us racing in the Animal class had electric kart stands. Those young folks in the other classes haven’t figured it out yet.

2014 Results

 The 2014 racing year starts with a rebuilt motor and clutch and a good attitude.

September 20, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 3rd
Feature – 4 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

Last race of the year and all I had to do to the win the championship was run one lap of the feature. My setup again caused a struggle in both heats. I wanted to be cautious, but I didn’t have a choice. My kart was pushing badly. I made some adjustments in Heat 2 that were a little better so I made more for the feature. I had the fastest kart but couldn’t get by the kart ahead of me. I passed him once but a caution put him back in the lead. After that there wasn’t enough time to make another pass. It was a fun year.

This was the best year I’ve ever had racing. Also the hardest and most grueling. And the most fun. I’m glad it’s over but I’ll really miss seeing the people every week. My Faster Motors Animal engine was constantly the fastest on the track. It would pull everyone down the straights. What a pleasure having that much power. The only problems I had were self-induced; either my driving ability/setup skills or worn out tires I tried to get more out of than they were capable of producing. Thanks to my great wife for putting up with my annoying hobby. But no matter what anyone says, kart racing is the best way to turn money into noise.

September 6, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2nd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st

I messed up in both heats again this week. After making a bunch of adjustments to get rid of a bad push, I won the feature in spite of myself. Only two races left this year, but I’m missing the next one. It’s our 23rd anniversary. I asked my wife if she wanted to go to the races to celebrate. My sweetie said sure, but it would be the last anniversary I would celebrate. I’m not sure where we’re going, but I’m guessing we aren’t going racing. I’m still first in points. My buddy Ronnie Taylor had motor problems that spoiled his night. The points will be very close at the last race. Good luck Ronnie!

15- Jon Lehman- 1871
7- Ronnie Taylor- 1539
526- Danny Kirby- 991

August 31, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 4th
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3nd – Finished 3rd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

Again, I struggled through hot laps and both heats. In hot laps I spun in Turn 4 and backed into the hay bales. In Heat 1 the kart was very squirmy and hard to drive. I ended up hitting the hay bales sideways in Turn 4. When I hit, the motor died and I coasted up to the flag stand and stopped. As I sat there, I looked up at Ron Taylor, the starter. He leaned over and looked down at me and said, “You know, we can talk later, if you want.” The second heat was similar except for the hay bales and comic remarks. It makes for a long day when you struggle with handling. For the feature, I made a couple changes and put new tires on the kart. What a difference! Unfortunately, I spent too much time trying to get around the kart in second. The pole sitting kart took off. By the time I was in second, the first place kart was a straight ahead. I made up about half of that but ran out of time. It would have been a fun race for first if I was closer. I’m still first in points with three races left. I’m going to miss one of those for our anniversary. The guy in second agreed to take that week off too, which is a pretty cool thing to do. Thanks Ronnie Taylor!

15- Jon Lehman- 1668
7- Ronnie Taylor- 1381
526- Danny Kirby- 813
34- Ben Smith- 526
199- Dustin Westercamp- 409

August 24, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st

Both heats were nothing to brag about. I only hit one guy in the first heat and one guy in the second heat, but I hit him twice. The feature went much better. I’m still first in points with a 267 point lead and only four races left.

August 2, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 1st – Finished 4th
Feature – 4 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd

After a good start it turned into a frustrating evening of racing. The first heat was a blast. Going from fourth to second in a quarter lap was fun. Then the first place kart and I were nose to tail the rest of the way. I almost passed him a couple times but two cautions stopped the momentum.

The second heat is where it turned sour. I was leading on the first lap coming out of Turn 4 when my kart swerved off to the right. I made one more lap but thought I had a flat so I pulled off. I got it into the pits, put the kart stand and noticed the left front wheel at a strange angle. As soon as I touched it, the wheel fell on the ground. Good timing but bad luck. A friend had a spare spindle so I worked like an over-stimulated Usain Bolt to get it changed in time for the feature. In my haste (some smart ass said that makes waste) I dropped all of my alignment washers into one pile instead of keeping the top and bottom separate. No, I didn’t have it written down about what went where. I have everything else written down but that. Next time. But I finally got it together just as everyone was in their karts on the grid. No time to check the air pressure or anything. Usually air is a critical adjustment for the feature but I was just glad to have made the start.

Starting last and moving into second wasn’t bad. I stayed there for a few laps but the not-checked air pressure made the handling difficult. I was passed and stayed in third for the rest of the feature. Because I was able to run the feature I’m still first in points. But the guy in second is gaining.

15- Jon Lehman- 1286
7- Ronnie Taylor- 1064
526- Danny Kirby- 669
34- Ben Smith- 348
199- Jeremy Marshall 206
199- Dustin Westercamp- 205
199- Ron Taylor- 179
22- Maurice Huff- 158
90- Mike Smith-146
22- Bryan Huff- 144
43- Derrick Stewart- 136
45 Nathan Shaffer-126

July 19, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 6 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Feature – 6 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

I finished second in the first heat and third in the second heat. I started the feature in third. I don’t know how but I finished second Saturday with six karts in the Animal class. I started with a bad push then it got really loose as the night went on. I probably went the wrong way when adjusting the air pressure for the feature. The kart in third place was bumping me the whole way, so I knew he was right there. It must have been tense because I was still tired the next day.

Point standings at Shimek Speedway for the Animal class
15- Jon Lehman- 1127
7- Ronnie Taylor- 699
526- Danny Kirby- 490
34- Ben Smith- 348
199- Jeremy Marshall 206
199- Dustin Westercamp- 205
199- Ron Taylor- 179
22- Maurice Huff- 158
90- Mike Smith-146
43- Derrick Stewart- 136
45 Nathan Shaffer-126

July 6, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 3rd

Well, that didn’t work. Note to self: When your tires look like they may be too worn out to run, don’t run them. I thought I could get one more week out of them. NO, I couldn’t. The worn tires resulted in a poor handling kart. The first heat was wild. One kart dropped out and I hit the other one while passing him. No damage but an apology was due. Then instead of waving the checked flag when I won, the flagman waved the move over flag at me. He grabbed the wrong flag but it confused the heck out of me.

In the second heat I started in the back and stayed there. Luckily, one kart dropped out so I finished second with a bad push.

I started on the pole for the feature and actually led for a couple laps before the kart started pushing again. Both of the other guys got around me. Then an opening appeared, so I ducked inside the second place kart on turn three. Sorry to say it wasn’t a clean pass and we both spun out. After the restart my tires were completely done and so was I.

I’m still first in points but I lost some ground. Next race is in two weeks. One of my goals is to not hit all the karts on the track. Oh yeah, I have new tires, too.

June 21, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

There weren’t as many karts as I was hoping for but it was still fun. I posted a bumper cam video of one of the heat races on my Facebook page. With the feature win, I padded my points lead.

June 14, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 5th – Finished 2nd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

My kart was very fast again. New tires helped a lot with the handling. Lap times were in the 10.8 second range for both heats and the feature, which is pretty quick. There was some close racing, too. Pretty soon I’m going to stop helping the guy who is running right behind me most of the time. It’s only his second year, so he is still learning, but he is learning quickly. I’ve been giving him some setup and gearing information to make him more competitive. Better competitors make the racing more fun…up to a point.

Starting the first heat on the pole was pretty easy. The second heat and starting in the back was a lot harder. It took a while to get into second. But there wasn’t enough time to pass for first. We did have some bumping and banging while going flat out but a caution by someone else put an end to that. I started on the pole in the feature and lead the whole way. Unfortunately, my new camera mount was not sturdy enough. There was too much vibration to get a good video. After the win, I’m first in points again.

May 24, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

I had an exceptionally fast kart and turned some of the fastest times I’ve ever run at Shimek Speedway. Unfortunately, there was one kart faster. The first heat was the most exciting since I started next to last, got pushed outside to the back, then raced back to second, picking them off one at a time. There is a video of the race on my Facebook page. I’m back to being second in points, about 100 out of first. Not bad for missing a week.

May 3, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

The KartLift Special was handling great! I led all the laps in both heats and the feature. My Faster Motors Animal had lots of power, and my John Ivers Jr. clutch worked flawlessly. The start of the first heat was the most fun since I started in the back. By the first turn I was in first. That scene played out about three times because of restarts. Love the rubbing!

Eventually, I’ll have some videos of my races, but first the GoPro camera needs to be figured out. I forgot to turn it off after the second heat, so there were about 30 minutes of pit time recorded, which will amuse no one at all. I told my wife that since I installed the camera I wouldn’t be able to lie to her about what I’ve been doing while I was gone.

April 26, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 2 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – Rained out

For being the first race of the year, things went as expected…meaning not as well as they should. I was leading the first heat when my chain broke a couple laps from the end. It didn’t actually break, but it somehow came off and left me with no power. After installing a new chain for the second heat, I lead all the laps. It started raining part way through that race, which forced the track to cancel the rest of the show.

Having the fastest kart did me no good. With no feature, they paid out on the first heat because only two classes ran the second heat. So with nothing left to do because of the rain, I was forced to drink beer with my friends. Next week should be more fun because more karts are expected in my class.

Having my new electric KartLift made it less tiring for this old guy. It was nice not having to struggle getting the kart lifted after the race. What was really neat was both of us racing in the Animal class had electric kart stands. Those young folks in the other classes haven’t figured it out yet.

2012 Results

September 15, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

Saturday night at Shimek Speedway with five karts in our class in the first heat I started 4th and ended 2nd. Second heat I started 2nd and ended 2nd. In the feature I started 2nd, dropped back to 4th after fighting a very hard to handle kart and ended 2nd. I feel very fortunate to have that kind of finish. At one point coming out of turn 3 my kart didn’t turn at all and it headed straight toward the outside of the track. I thought I was going to pick corn. Scared the heck out of me. That’s when I dropped to 4th. It took a bunch of strong-armed driving to get back into 2nd.I ended the year 2nd in points. It was fun racing with the guys in the Animal class. If it wasn’t so far to drive, I would have been there every week. There were quite a few people talking about joining us in the Animal class next year. I’m looking forward to it. My Faster Motors Animal kept me very competitive this year.

September 8, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

Racing Saturday night at Shimek Speedway in Farmington, IA was one of the most fun times I’ve had on the track. Firstheat I started second, got a good jump at the start and finished first.Second heat was the neatest race I’ve ever been in. I started second. Near the end of the first or second lap (the whole race was a blur) I got tagged in the rear tire and the guy who hit me bounced off me, spun in the air, then ended up in the hay bales. I don’t know how he didn’t flip. The left side of my body was torn loose and dragging the ground. I tried to hold it on with my elbow so I wouldn’t get black flagged, but gave up on that idea when the green flag was waved. Then it really got wild. We were racing three wide two different times. We raced two wide for two laps with me on the outside. The three of us were bumping, passing, diving under, moving up, pushing and shoving with umpteen lead changes. As soon as someone got the lead, somebody would make a pass. Afterward, the flagman said he wanted to point the black flag but couldn’t decide who to point it at and even thought about pointing it at us in general since we were all side by side. I won that one, too. Dang, that was fun. We were all smiling, laughing and doing high-fives afterward. I also won the feature by leading all the laps. It wasn’t nearly as fun as that heat race. The Animal class is such a good group of guys.

August 18, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

Great day of racing at Shimek Speedway in Farmington, IA but it could have ended a little better. Finished second in the first heat. Second heat my mind left before I did. I forgot to keep my foot on the throttle as I pulled from the staging area. My motor died as soon as I pulled on the track, so I didn’t get to run. I had made big changes after the first heat to tighten the kart up and didn’t get to find out if they worked. Started last in the feature and ended second, right behind the leader. I might have caught him but in an effort to scare the hay bales, I went a little wide two laps from the end. Then there wasn’t enough time. Never enough time when you are in second. I had faster lap times than the leader but his were more consistant. Dang that’s fun! I’m missing the next two races then running the last two of the year. Second in points isn’t bad for missing some races.

August 11, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 7 karts – Started 1st – Finished 4th
Heat 2 – 7 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2nd
Feature – 7 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

Last night at Shimek Speedway in Farmington, Iowa was an enormous amount of fun. My kart with the Faster Motors Animal was extremely fast and we had a good class with seven karts. I started the first heat on the pole but didn’t have it quite dialed in. I was in third but ended in fourth after killing a hay bale. Because I thought my kart was close to being right, I only made some minor adjustments before the second heat. It was a rocket. I started last and finished second. For the feature I only tweaked the air pressure a little. I started on the outside in second place. I dropped back to fourth before I could get in the racing line. I ended in second right behind the leader. When you’re in second, you always need a few more laps and that was me. I was faster but didn’t have enough time. Dang that was fun! Can’t wait until next week. Oh, and I’m second in points even though I’ve missed a few races.

July 21, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st

Finally figured it out. Shouldn’t have taken so long but when you’re old… In the first heat I came from a quarter lap down to miss wining by six inches or less. My kart was so fast that I dropped a half second off my best lap time ever at Shimek Speedway. A half second doesn’t sound like a long time, but when you’re running 11.5 second laps it’s significant. It’s my second feature win this year but more are coming. The last time I won my feature, I was so excited that I forgot to keep my motor running when the picture was taken so I didn’t get to run my victory lap. This time I kept the motor running but I forgot to take the checked flag with me. It’s a lot harder than it looks. I don’t know how those kids do it.

July 14, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd

I was pretty average. All the karts were strung out evenly in the feature so it was more like running timing laps. Still fun, but I’d like to be up there pushing on someone’s bumper. After talking with a friend after the races, I made some changes this week to my setup numbers. Hopefully, it will drop my lap times down a few tenths. Even though I’m not running for points and have missed some races, I’m still second in points for the year.

June 23, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

We only got to run hot laps and one heat before the rain came (which wasn’t in the forecast when I left home). The heat was a pretty wild race. Turns 3 and 4 were very slick and had lots of people spinning in all the classes. We had five Animals, which made a nice class for a change. I started third and got up to second when I spun and went to the back. I got up to fourth with two laps left. The second place kart saw the green flag wave signaling two laps to go and thought the race was over so he pulled off. On the last turn of the last lap the second place kart spun, so I ended up second. Sometimes you don’t have to be the fastest, you just have to outlast them.

June 9, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 2 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

My kart was so fast, most of the competition were afraid to show up. At least I didn’t have to race against myself. That’s likely to be a close race with an uncertain outcome. I loaned my competitor a set of Hoosier tires to try. He liked them, too! In the first heat, I turned the fastest lap I’ve ever run at Shimek.

May 26, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 5th – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 3nd

It was almost a great night at Shimek Speedway. Five karts in the Animal class. First heat I started last and won. Second heat I started first and won. Everything was working great. Feature I started first but finished third. It was another chassis adjustment error on my part. I should have loosened it up more than I did. At least I’m getting the setup closer. Everyone says it’s a Maxxis track, but I showed them that Hoosiers are just as competitive. My Faster Motors Animal is super powerful. I’m happy.

May 19, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 4th

The heats were good and I was very competitive. We were nose to tail in both heats. The chassis adjustment I made for the feature was too conservative. I had handling issues. However, in an after-the-race brainstorming session with a couple friends, I figured out what I needed to do for the next race. I’m ready.

May 5, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 3rdd – Finished 4th
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd
Feature – 4 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 4th

So far, the season isn’t going like I planned, but it’s still early. My new Hoosiers were working great, making me very competitive and 100 percent better than the week before. All of us were running nose to tail. In the first heat I was running second when the leader bobbled going into Turn 3. I went under him to pass for the lead but I hit the disk in the track. It knocked me a little crooked and the guy behind me tapped me, which pushed me out of the groove. Everyone got by. The second heat we were nose to tail again. My right rear wheel rubbed on the frame and caused the tire bead to heat up and lose air. I finished with a flat tire. With no matching spare, I didn’t have a chance in the feature. More new Hoosiers on order. No racing next week.

April 28, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 5th
Feature – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 5th

My new Faster Motors Animal was working great. However, I didn’t have the right tires with me for the track conditions, but I will for the next race. I struggled with a very bad push in all three races. I kept adjusting and got it slightly better for the feature but the handling wasn’t there to make it competitive. On a positive note, I found two washers and a nut. No, I didn’t find them while I was racing. I wasn’t that slow.

2012 Results

September 15, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

Saturday night at Shimek Speedway with five karts in our class in the first heat I started 4th and ended 2nd. Second heat I started 2nd and ended 2nd. In the feature I started 2nd, dropped back to 4th after fighting a very hard to handle kart and ended 2nd. I feel very fortunate to have that kind of finish. At one point coming out of turn 3 my kart didn’t turn at all and it headed straight toward the outside of the track. I thought I was going to pick corn. Scared the heck out of me. That’s when I dropped to 4th. It took a bunch of strong-armed driving to get back into 2nd.I ended the year 2nd in points. It was fun racing with the guys in the Animal class. If it wasn’t so far to drive, I would have been there every week. There were quite a few people talking about joining us in the Animal class next year. I’m looking forward to it. My Faster Motors Animal kept me very competitive this year.

September 8, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

Racing Saturday night at Shimek Speedway in Farmington, IA was one of the most fun times I’ve had on the track. Firstheat I started second, got a good jump at the start and finished first.Second heat was the neatest race I’ve ever been in. I started second. Near the end of the first or second lap (the whole race was a blur) I got tagged in the rear tire and the guy who hit me bounced off me, spun in the air, then ended up in the hay bales. I don’t know how he didn’t flip. The left side of my body was torn loose and dragging the ground. I tried to hold it on with my elbow so I wouldn’t get black flagged, but gave up on that idea when the green flag was waved. Then it really got wild. We were racing three wide two different times. We raced two wide for two laps with me on the outside. The three of us were bumping, passing, diving under, moving up, pushing and shoving with umpteen lead changes. As soon as someone got the lead, somebody would make a pass. Afterward, the flagman said he wanted to point the black flag but couldn’t decide who to point it at and even thought about pointing it at us in general since we were all side by side. I won that one, too. Dang, that was fun. We were all smiling, laughing and doing high-fives afterward. I also won the feature by leading all the laps. It wasn’t nearly as fun as that heat race. The Animal class is such a good group of guys.

August 18, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd
Feature – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

Great day of racing at Shimek Speedway in Farmington, IA but it could have ended a little better. Finished second in the first heat. Second heat my mind left before I did. I forgot to keep my foot on the throttle as I pulled from the staging area. My motor died as soon as I pulled on the track, so I didn’t get to run. I had made big changes after the first heat to tighten the kart up and didn’t get to find out if they worked. Started last in the feature and ended second, right behind the leader. I might have caught him but in an effort to scare the hay bales, I went a little wide two laps from the end. Then there wasn’t enough time. Never enough time when you are in second. I had faster lap times than the leader but his were more consistant. Dang that’s fun! I’m missing the next two races then running the last two of the year. Second in points isn’t bad for missing some races.

August 11, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 7 karts – Started 1st – Finished 4th
Heat 2 – 7 karts – Started 1st – Finished 2nd
Feature – 7 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd

Last night at Shimek Speedway in Farmington, Iowa was an enormous amount of fun. My kart with the Faster Motors Animal was extremely fast and we had a good class with seven karts. I started the first heat on the pole but didn’t have it quite dialed in. I was in third but ended in fourth after killing a hay bale. Because I thought my kart was close to being right, I only made some minor adjustments before the second heat. It was a rocket. I started last and finished second. For the feature I only tweaked the air pressure a little. I started on the outside in second place. I dropped back to fourth before I could get in the racing line. I ended in second right behind the leader. When you’re in second, you always need a few more laps and that was me. I was faster but didn’t have enough time. Dang that was fun! Can’t wait until next week. Oh, and I’m second in points even though I’ve missed a few races.

July 21, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st

Finally figured it out. Shouldn’t have taken so long but when you’re old… In the first heat I came from a quarter lap down to miss wining by six inches or less. My kart was so fast that I dropped a half second off my best lap time ever at Shimek Speedway. A half second doesn’t sound like a long time, but when you’re running 11.5 second laps it’s significant. It’s my second feature win this year but more are coming. The last time I won my feature, I was so excited that I forgot to keep my motor running when the picture was taken so I didn’t get to run my victory lap. This time I kept the motor running but I forgot to take the checked flag with me. It’s a lot harder than it looks. I don’t know how those kids do it.

July 14, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 3rd

I was pretty average. All the karts were strung out evenly in the feature so it was more like running timing laps. Still fun, but I’d like to be up there pushing on someone’s bumper. After talking with a friend after the races, I made some changes this week to my setup numbers. Hopefully, it will drop my lap times down a few tenths. Even though I’m not running for points and have missed some races, I’m still second in points for the year.

June 23, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 2nd

We only got to run hot laps and one heat before the rain came (which wasn’t in the forecast when I left home). The heat was a pretty wild race. Turns 3 and 4 were very slick and had lots of people spinning in all the classes. We had five Animals, which made a nice class for a change. I started third and got up to second when I spun and went to the back. I got up to fourth with two laps left. The second place kart saw the green flag wave signaling two laps to go and thought the race was over so he pulled off. On the last turn of the last lap the second place kart spun, so I ended up second. Sometimes you don’t have to be the fastest, you just have to outlast them.

June 9, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 2 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 2 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st

My kart was so fast, most of the competition were afraid to show up. At least I didn’t have to race against myself. That’s likely to be a close race with an uncertain outcome. I loaned my competitor a set of Hoosier tires to try. He liked them, too! In the first heat, I turned the fastest lap I’ve ever run at Shimek.

May 26, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 5th – Finished 1st
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 1st
Feature – 5 karts – Started 1st – Finished 3nd

It was almost a great night at Shimek Speedway. Five karts in the Animal class. First heat I started last and won. Second heat I started first and won. Everything was working great. Feature I started first but finished third. It was another chassis adjustment error on my part. I should have loosened it up more than I did. At least I’m getting the setup closer. Everyone says it’s a Maxxis track, but I showed them that Hoosiers are just as competitive. My Faster Motors Animal is super powerful. I’m happy.

May 19, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 3rd
Feature – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 4th

The heats were good and I was very competitive. We were nose to tail in both heats. The chassis adjustment I made for the feature was too conservative. I had handling issues. However, in an after-the-race brainstorming session with a couple friends, I figured out what I needed to do for the next race. I’m ready.

May 5, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – Started 3rdd – Finished 4th
Heat 2 – 4 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 3rd
Feature – 4 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 4th

So far, the season isn’t going like I planned, but it’s still early. My new Hoosiers were working great, making me very competitive and 100 percent better than the week before. All of us were running nose to tail. In the first heat I was running second when the leader bobbled going into Turn 3. I went under him to pass for the lead but I hit the disk in the track. It knocked me a little crooked and the guy behind me tapped me, which pushed me out of the groove. Everyone got by. The second heat we were nose to tail again. My right rear wheel rubbed on the frame and caused the tire bead to heat up and lose air. I finished with a flat tire. With no matching spare, I didn’t have a chance in the feature. More new Hoosiers on order. No racing next week.

April 28, Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – Started 2nd – Finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – Started 4th – Finished 5th
Feature – 5 karts – Started 3rd – Finished 5th

My new Faster Motors Animal was working great. However, I didn’t have the right tires with me for the track conditions, but I will for the next race. I struggled with a very bad push in all three races. I kept adjusting and got it slightly better for the feature but the handling wasn’t there to make it competitive. On a positive note, I found two washers and a nut. No, I didn’t find them while I was racing. I wasn’t that slow.

2010 Results

September, 18 – Shimek Speedway

Hot laps – 7 karts – rained out after hot laps

Because of the rain, all we were able to run was hot laps. In the Animal class, Matt won. That was only because he cheated. He passed Carl and me under the yellow while we were warming up. We were very fortunate since Matt usually leaves marks all over your kart in the process of passing. Carl was second. I was third only because I gave the first two a chance by leaving 30 pounds in my left front and 24 in the left rear. I usually run 5.5 on that side. Handling was a little iffy.  But I needed to handicap myself so I didn’t go flying by Carl and Matt and embarrass them. Jim finished last because he thought it would be cool driving a tripod. Someone, it could have even been Jim, forgot to tighten the lug nuts on the left rear. Soon he was singing, “You picked a fine time to leave me, Loose Wheel.” I’m not sure what order the others finished. I was busy dodging Jim’s wheel. I’m looking forward to coming back next year to do some real racing. The Animal class at Shimek has nice guys in it who make it enjoyable. The guys from Spoon (or where ever we are going to be racing) will be back. We always have fun with each other and love to race.

September, 12 – Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – started 3rd, finished 1st
Heat 2 – 3 karts – started 1st, finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – started 1st, finished 1st

I made the 2 1/2 hour drive to Shimek Sunday. It’s near Fort Madison, IA. There were only three Animals, but the other two were 1st and 2nd in points at Shimek. In hot laps I went on the track third and laid back and was letting off about the middle of the straight because I kept coming up on them and didn’t want them to know I was faster. I lead every lap of both heats and the feature. Had about a six kart lead in both heats but the feature was closer. I felt a tap on my bumper about half way through. The two karts behind me finished side by side. Everyone said it was a great race to watch. Glad I didn’t have to. I didn’t make any changes all day. I could have taken about 5 pounds off but was afraid to mess with it. I also probably should have dropped a couple teeth on the rear because I was turning 7600-7800. I was so fast I didn’t want to fool with anything. My lap times were very consistent – within hundredths in the feature. I amazed myself. It was fun. I’m going back for the last race of the year Saturday.

August, 22 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – started 3rd, finished 1st
Heat 2 – 5 karts – started 2nd, finished 1st
Feature – 5 karts – started 1st, finished 1st

I definitely had the fastest kart this week. It was flying. After rebuilding the steering during the week, it was handling fantastically. I think I led all the laps in the heats and feature. That’s my story. Prove me wrong! We had a light kart count this week. I don’t know why. It was a nice day. Our Animal class was combined with two others because they didn’t have enough karts. We had our usual three karts plus a Stock Medium flathead and a Jr. 3 restricted Animal. In the feature I lapped everyone except for Matt. I had a good lead on him until a late caution bunched us up. I passed the three slower karts without a problem then Matt got tangled with one when he tried to pass. Unfortunately, the light kart count meant no payout for winning. We only have one more regular race next Sunday then our Season Championship race on September 19th. If anyone wants to drive my kart after the races next week, bring a helmet, jacket, gloves and long pants. Oh, and I’m still in first place in points. I don’t think Matt can catch me, especially since I’m the one keeping score for the track! Hope to see people next week and on the 19th.

August, 15 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – started 3rd, finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – started 1st, finished 1st
Feature – 3 karts – started 2nd, finished 2nd

I had the fastest kart, but Matt had the widest kart. I couldn’t get around him for anything. I pushed. I shoved. I bumped. I did everything possible without trying to spin him out. I got under him a couple times but didn’t want to make a mess so I backed off. It was fun anyway. Besides, I found five wire ties, a small washer and a nice gray rock. I kept the ties and washer but left the rock for someone else to enjoy. My new Hoosiers were working very well. We only have three more races at Spoon River. The new track at Expo Gardens should be ready near the middle of September. Should get a couple races on that this year.

July, 31 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 3 karts – started 2nd, finished 3rd
Heat 2 – 3 karts – started 2nd, finished 3rd
Feature – 3 karts – started 3rd, finished 3rd

Very consistent this week. The results look worse than the feature race ended up. Even though I started third, I lead the first several laps. Then Matt passed me. Then the snot-nosed kid passed me and then Matt. We were all nose to tail pushing each other for the rest of the race. I’m still first in points. We have a week off then race again on August 15th.

July, 25 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – started 1st, finished 2nd
Heat 2 – only one heat this week
Feature – 4 karts – started 1st, finished 1st

This week the kart handled much better. I still have a little tweaking to do, but I’m a lot closer. Also, I have new Hoosier tires which helps a lot. I missed winning the heat because I made a bobble on the second to last lap and let a kart get by me. It was Mid-Season Championships so we started the heat and feature by points. The heat was only a tuneup for the feature and the finish didn’t matter. In the feature I was ahead with about a 1/4 lap lead when there was a caution. That put second place right on my tail for the rest of the race. I felt him bump me a couple times but I held on and won it. I lead all the laps in the feature. This old guy was worn out after that one.

July, 18 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 6 karts – started 1st, finished 4th
Heat 2 – 6 karts – started 6th, finished 4th
Feature – 6 karts – started 4th, finished 4th

I changed setups a lot trying to figure out my handling problem. During the first hot laps I playing with a different setup with poor results. Second set of hot laps I changed it more with even worse results and a trip off the back of the track into areas of the property you don’t normally want to see. So I changed radically for the first heat with it handling much better but still not good. Second heat I changed it even more in the same direction and it improved again. For the feature I adjusted only slightly and put on new Hoosiers. The handling improved greatly. Starting fourth, I got shuffled to the back until I could get lower on the track. I picked off the fifth and fourth place karts. Matt was in third about a quarter lap ahead. I finally caught him and got under him going into turn three. We got hung up on each other and before I pulled away, the kart behind us got by. I only had two laps left and not enough time pass him again. My lap times were the same as the leaders. I just spent too much time fooling around in the back. Heading to Springfield this week to buy more new Hoosier tires.

July, 11 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 2 karts – started 1st, finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 2 karts – started 2nd, finished 1st
Feature – 2 karts – started 1st, finished 1st

Kind of a boring race day, other than the rain and my kart being as slippery as an avocado stone. Matt’s engine broke in hot laps so that left Jim and I to duke it out. I spun leading the first heat giving Jim his first heat win. We ran Heat 2 in the rain. That was pretty wild and slick. The feature was the same way without the rain. The handling on my kart went on vacation. I hope it comes back soon. I made some major changes this week to try to tighten it up so it isn’t sliding all over. Big money race this Sunday.

June, 27 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – started 4th, finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – started 2nd, finished 3rd
Feature – 5 karts – started 2nd, finished 2nd

I lead most of the second heat but Matt got under me in turn 4. I didn’t want to give up the spot and ended up spinning out after getting in the loose stuff. Went to the back and still ended third. Matt had the fastest kart all day. He started on the pole and I was outside. Luke got by me on the start before I could get down. Luke and Matt had a great race. I was enjoying watching them (sort of) while I raced right behind them. They had a lot of back and forth passing then got together with Luke spinning. Matt was sent to the back with only a couple laps to go. I finished second right behind Luke. The Animals (engine type) have a great class this year. We’re all friends before and after the races no matter what beating and banging we do on the track. That’s pretty special.

June, 20 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 4 karts – started 2nd, finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 4 karts – started 3rd, finished 1st
Feature – 4 karts – started 2nd, finished 1st

There weren’t many karts, the weather was super hot and the track was dusty. It was still more fun than anyone should be allowed to have. My Hoosiers were working great. Had several people stop by and talk about them. Love those tires! In the feature I was wondering how I was going to get by the guy on the pole. On the start the kart in third came flying by while I was trying to get in line behind the leader. Third place pushed first up out of the way then went high himself. That made it easy to get by. I think I won by about a half lap. I’m excited about the new promoter. He has a lot of good ideas. He is the same person building the track at Expo Gardens. To help out, I took over the web page for the track http://spoonriver.webs.com/. I’m first in points … oh yeah.

May, 22 – Shimek Speedway

Heat 1 – 7 karts – started 3rd, finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 7 karts – started 5th, finished 4th
Feature – 7 karts – started 3rd, finished 3rd

I went to Shimek Speedway near Ft. Madison, IA on Saturday because Spoon River canceled. Since I wasn’t running for points I experimented with tire preps during the heats and feature. First heat I used my normal prep, started third and finished second. Second heat I used nothing, started fifth and finished fourth. For the feature I used a different version of my normal prep, started third and finished third. The first kart was about a kart length ahead of second and me. Going into the last lap I passed second but got a little wide coming out of turn 2. He got back by me going into three. That was my best finish at Shimek. According to everyone I spoke with I was the first one to run Hoosier tires there. There was a constant stream of people coming to my trailer all night asking about my Hoosiers. The best one was a little kid who looked my kart over carefully and read the Hoosier logo on the side. He came over to me and said, “Are you from Indiana?”

May, 9 – Spoon River Speedway

Heat 1 – 5 karts – started 2nd, finished 2nd
Heat 2 – 5 karts – started 4th, finished 2nd
Feature – 5 karts – started 2nd, finished 1st

This was the first time I ever raced my Animal engine unrestricted. It is so fast! It is 15 horsepower instead of 10 with the restricter plate. What a blast. You actually have to drive it instead of merely holding the gas pedal down. My new Hoosier RD35 tires worked great. They are way better tires than the older model I used last year. Most racers were on a different brand. Too bad for them. I love my Hoosiers. It took about three laps for them to really get a grip, then they took off. It was very noticeable. Looks to be a fun year.